Thanks to my handy, dandy Boston Metro which I read every morning on the way to work, I found out that the Boston Aquarium was hosting a free student night this past Tuesday. Because admission to this famed institution is normally a whopping $20 smackaroos, I hopped at the opportunity. The nighttime setting was wonderful for the building, and the light really emphasized the angularity of the building. This is a shot from the outside, near the Boston Harbor.

Once inside the aquarium, I wondered around, trying to figure out the basic plan design. And I was delighted at what I found. The building parti is essentially a circle inscribed in the center of a square. The circle, extruded, is a massive four story cylindrical aquarium, stocked full of fish and sea animals. Hugging the cylinder is a spiraling concrete ramp, which allows up-close views of the creatures. Then, wrapping about that and hugging the exterior walls of the square floor plan is a rectangular ramp. I had a lot of fun just walking up and down, up and down. Unfortunately, there were far too many students there, most probably from Harvard or MIT and were quite obnoxious--so I got my fill of the building and left the rest for the kiddos...But seeing the building was well worth it.
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