"Let's go apple picking!" she said. And so they did. Or rather, we did. The skies were blue, the sun high, the weather just right; how could a group of happy kids not partake in the New England tradition of picking apples, straight from the orchards of the land??
Because one simply cannot resist, today, my roommate, Catie, and two friends, Doug and Kelly, and myself all journeyed to Hampton Falls, New Hampshire to do just that. With a reservation for a zipcar and directions northward, we set out to gather freshly grown apples at the orchards of Apple Crest Farms. A nice little fact about the place: it is actually the place that Cider House Rules is based on, too. A bit of history with a bit of seasonal fruit.

The drive there was lovely, lots of color bursting from the trees. From vibrant orange to golden yellow, the landscapes were exuberant.

With some loose navigating and a couple of costly mistakes, we finally made it to the orchard, with exactly 30 minutes to pick a full bushel/peck/whatever one would call a bag full of apples. We ran through the rows of trees, gathering the choice fruits and before long we had a huge bag full of the delicious things (cortland apples to be exact). Along the way we sampled a few dangling from the tree, and Catie claims to have had one of the best apples of her life, reason enough to make the journey...

There was also a festival taking place at the farm, but because of our limited time, we had to pass by quickly. Pumpkins, music, apple cider donuts, you name it--this place was fabulous. If only we had booked a bit longer with our honda element. Alas, we returned to Boston, apples in hand, a few rolling around in the car, and enjoyed the colors lining the highways once again...Ah, autumn in New England.

Above: Kelly with some corn; Pumpkins!
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