Last weekend, I recieved a wonderful package in the mail, and inside it was a Money Tree. This litte tree, given me by a wonderful Mr. Mori, is apparently a vital part of traditional Feng Shui and holds the ability to bring good luck to its caretaker (s). I have given it a prized spot in the kitchen, and every morning, it greets me with bright green leaves. And I have noticed that since it has been in my possession, I have come upon some good fortune...
Thank you, Michael!

Updates on the apartment: I have added a few more touches to the apartment, namely the addition of some sturdy curtains, as well as new furniture. Thanks to my newfound luck, I happened upon a moving sale right around the corner from my house and purchased a few items/took the leftovers that were kicked to the curb after the fact. New items: awesome metal and wooden chair, blonde wooden cube/shelf, a little expandable table asking to be repainted and fixed up, mini blinds, and some nice pieces of yellow pine that lend themselves to the creation of flexible shelving. Above: Chair and Cube. Below: Curtains and Table.

1 comment:
you are so very welcome, the pleasure is mine as well, particularly while i read these wonderful words and images you so kindly share :)
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