July 9th marked the first day of my one year internship with the architecture firm of Machado & Silvetti. Located in Boston's newly gentrified South End, the office is set up in a renovated industrial warehouse building. The first week went pretty well! Everyone is friendly and welcoming, although most of them are at least a good half-generation older than me. I am officially baby M&S, but I suppose I'll probably learn a thing or two...
Right now I am working on a project in Pamplona, Spain--a mixed-use housing complex in a newly developed area outside of the city. My main responsibilities involve the creation and fine tuning of facades. In other words, Autocad, Photoshop, and InDesign are my new best friends, but I'm not complaining. I really enjoyed the work, and think this next year will be just what I've needed.
Some pictures of my desk and the office:

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