This Thanksgiving holiday, I traveled to my sister and brother-in-law's home in Washington, D.C. I arrived on Tuesday and stayed until Saturday. Shopping for all the food consumed Tuesday and part of Wednesday. The most important part, the turkey, was purchased from a nearby free-range farm and was huge and incredibly fresh. We also bought our potatoes from the same farm, with dirt still caked on the skin, as well as some fresh apples, apple sauce, and eggs. The rest was purchased from a combination of 12 million different stores (a hectic day of shopping if you can imagine but worth the trips). We cooked up a storm and ate well! Here is our Thanksgiving table, with Jennie and her husband, Kevin, ready to eat.

Oh, and did I mention the cranberry sauce was also made fresh?
Kevin and Jennie's babies were around to partake in the feast (and later on they were all sick because of it). This is Dax, Kevin's working partner...wanting some love...

The day after Thanksgiving, we all trekked out to the museums at the National Mall and then went ice skating at the sculpture gardens. Pictures to come soon of my figure skating moves....!
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